- Fugazzotto PA, Parma Benfenati S: Preprosthetic periodontal considerations. Crown length and biologic width. Quint Int 15:1247 – 56, 1984.
- Fugazzotto PA: Periodontal – Restorative interrelationships: the isolated restorations. JADA 110:915 – 918, 1985.
- Parma Benfenati S, Fugazzotto PA, Ruben MP: The effect of restorative margins on the post surgical development and nature of the periodontium. Part I. Int J Periodontics & Restorative Dent 5:31 – 52, 1985.
- Babay N, Fugazzotto PA, Ruben MP: Histologic evaluation of soft tissue attachment to acid – enzyme treated root surfaces. Int J Periodontics & Restorative Dent 5:77 – 87, 1985.
- Parma Benfenati S, Fugazzotto PA, Ferriera PM, Ruben MP, Kramer GM: The effect of restorative margins on the post surgical development and nature of the periodontium. Part II. Anatomical considerations. Int J Periodontics & Restor Dent 6:64 – 75, 1986.
- Parma Benfenati S, Fugazzotto PA, Berdichevsky M, Ferriera P, Calura G, Ruben MP: Progressive systemic sclerosis (scleroderma): oral-mucosal changes. Gen Dent 34:107 – 112, 1986.
- Fugazzotto PA, DePaoli S, Parma Benfenati S: The use of allogeneic freeze dried dentin in the repair of periodontal osseous defects in humans. Quint Int 17:461 – 476, 1986
- Fugazzotto PA: The treatment of periodontal problems through the simultaneous use of osseous surgery and free gingival autografts. J Mass Dent Soc 35:193 – 198, 1986.
- Ferriera PM, Fugazzotto PA, Parma Benfenati S: Implications of the use of electrosurgical techniques in the presence of gingival inflammation. Gen Dent 35:17 – 21, 1987.
- Fugazzotto PA, Vlassis J. Long Term Results of Sinus Augmentation Therapy in 868 Sites Utilizing a Variety of Regenerative Materials. In Preparation, 2006 B. Textbook Fugazzotto, P.A.: Preparation of the Periodontium for Restorative Dentistry. Ishiyaku EuroAmerica, St. Louis, 1989.
- Fugazzotto PA: Indications for the IMZ osseointegrated implant. J Mass Dent Soc, Letter to the editor; Summer, 1990.
- Fugazzotto PA: Periodontal regenerative procedures: Where are we? J Mass Dent Soc, Fall 1990.
- Freedman G, Fugazzotto PA, Greggs T: Aesthetic supragingival margins. Practical Periodont and Aesth Dent June/July; 35 – 38, 1990.
- Fugazzotto PA: The advantages of the IMZ implant system in restoration of the partially edentulous patient. JADA, Letter to the editor; Jan, 1991.
- Calura G, Mariani G, Parma Benfenati S, DePaoli S, Lucchesi C, Fugazzotto PA: Ultrastructural observations on the wound healing of free gingival connective tissue autografts with and without epithelium in humans. Int J Periodont & Restor Dent 1991;11:283-301.
- Fugazzotto PA, Hempton TJ: Oral reconstructive surgical procedures: Their applications in everyday practice. JADA 1992;124:82-86.
- Fugazzotto PA: Ridge augmentation utilizing guided tissue regeneration and Interpore 200. Int J Oral & Maxillofac Impl 1993;8:335-9.
- Fugazzotto PA, DePaoli S, Parma-Benfenati S: Flap design considerations with implant placement in the maxillary anterior region. Implant Dentistry 1993;2:93-6.
- Fugazzotto PA, Hempton TJ: Bone regeneration around IMZ implants through the use of freeze dried bone, Interpore 200, and Goretex membranes. Implant Dentistry 1993;2:39-41.
- Fugazzotto PA, Hempton TJ: Treatment of a buccal dehiscences on an IMZ implants through the use of freeze dried bone and a Goretex membrane. Implant Dentistry 1993;2:39-41.
- Fugazzotto PA: What are the applications of implant treatment? J Mass Dent Soc 1993;42:181-186.
- Fugazzotto PA: Bone regeneration to correct a ridge deformity following implant therapy: A case report. J Periodontol 1993;64:1088-1091.
- Fugazzotto PA, Wheeler S, Lindsay J: Success and failure rates of IMZ implants placed in type IV bone. J Periodontol 1993;64,1085-1087.
- Fugazzotto PA, Gulbransen H, Wheeler S, Lindsay J: Success and failure rates of 2023 IMZ implants in function from 1 to 5 years. Int J Oral & Maxillofac Impl 1993;8:617-621.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided bone regeneration for enhanced esthetics: Defining the therapeutic possibilities. I. Extraction with simultaneous implant placement. J Esth Dent, 1993;5:252-254.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided bone regeneration for enhanced esthetics: Defining the therapeutic possibilities. II. Interceptive ridge regenerative therapy. J Esth Dent, 1993;5:254-255.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided bone regeneration for enhanced esthetics: Defining the therapeutic possibilities. III. Gaining lip support and esthetic tissue contours via hard tissue vestibular regeneration. J Esth Dent, 1993;256-257.
- Fugazzotto PA, Maron D: The use of IMZ implants as pier abutments in the Class IV periodontal prosthetic patient. Implant Dentistry 1994;3:86-89.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided bone regeneration for enhanced esthetics: Edentulous ridge contours beneath pontics and hard tissue repair of postoperative ridge defects. J Esth Dent, 1994;6:103-108.
- Fugazzotto PA, Arcieri M: Single tooth replacement options with the IMZ implant system. Gen Dent 1994;42:435-9.. Fugazzotto PA, Hempton TJ. Ridge augmentation through the use of Gore Tex membranes and regenerative materials. Implant Dentistry, 1994;3:36-38.
- Fugazzotto PA. What is the role of nonsurgical periodontal therapy? J Mass Dent Soc, 1994;43:24-26.
- Fugazzotto PA. Indications for implant therapy. J Mass Dent Soc, Letter to the editor; 43(Spring), 1994.
- Fugazzotto PA: Maxillary sinus grafting with and without simultaneous implant placement: Technical considerations and case reports. Int J Periodont & Restor Dent 1994;14:545-552.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided bone regeneration can improve function without compromising esthetics. GP 1994;3:153-160.
- Fugazzotto PA. Success in guided tissue regeneration therapy. Regentech review 1994;1:3-5.
- Fugazzotto PA., The Use of Demineralized Laminar Bone Sheets in Guided Bone Regeneration Procedures: Report of Three Cases. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl 1995; 11:239-244.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided bone regeneration for enhanced esthetics: Defining the therapeutic possibilities: IV. Hard tissue repair of postoperative ridge defects. Accepted for publication, J Esth Dent, 1995.
- Fugazzotto PA. Implant therapy in clinical practice. J Mass Dent Soc 1995;44:128-134.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided bone regeneration in clinical practice. J Mass Dent Soc 1996;45:27-32.
- Fugazzotto PA. Resilient element in implant dentistry: Myth or necessity. Implant Dent 1996;5: 118-19.
- Fugazzotto PA. The knowledge game. Int J Periodont & Restor Dent 1996;16:3-4.
- Fugazzotto PA. Membrane fixation in guided bone regeneration procedures. Dental Implantology Update, 1996;7:73-6.
- Fugazzotto, PA. Success and failure rates of 626 osseointegrated implants in function in regenerated bone for 6 – 51 months: A preliminary report. Int J Oral & Maxillofac Impl, 1996;12:17-24.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided bone regeneration in implant dentistry. Implant Dentistry, 1997;6:40.
- Fugazzotto PA. Paradigms of care. Seattle Study Club Journal 1997,1(2):4-5.
- Fugazzotto PA, Shanaman R, Manos T, Shectman R. Guided bone regeneration in implant therapy: Success and failure rates in 1503 sites. Int J Periodont & Restor Dent, 1997;7:293-99.
- Fugazzotto PA, Ryan R. Tooth replacement in the anterior maxilla: The biology of implant esthetics. J Esth Dent 1997;9:248-54.
- Fugazzotto PA. Comprehensive surgical management of the embrasure space in the prosthetic patient. J Mass Dent Soc 1998;46:18-22.
- Fugazzotto PA. Tooth Extraction as a Reconstructive Event. J Mass Dent Soc 1998;47:23-30.
- Fugazzotto PA. Implant placement in atrophic ridges: A modified technique. Implant Dentistry, 1998; 7: 193 – 6.
- Fugazzotto PA. Report of 302 consecutive ridge augmentation procedures: Technical considerations and clinical results. Int J Oral & Maxillofac Impl, 1998:13:358-68.
- Fugazzotto PA, Vlassis J: Long term success of sinus augmentation using various surgical approaches and grafting materials. Int J Oral & Maxillofac Impl 1998;13:52-58. Vlassis J.
- Fugazzotto PA, Sinus perforations during augmentation procedures: Classification and repair options. J Periodontol 1999; 70:692-9.
- Fugazzotto PA. Maintaining of soft tissue closure following guided bone regeneration: Technical considerations and report of 723 cases. J Periodontol 1999; 70:1085-97.
- Fugazzotto PA. Sinus floor augmentation of the maxillary molar extraction socket: A modified techniques to increase bone height. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl, 1999;14:536-42.
- Fugazzotto PA. Therapeutic Integrity. J Seattle Study Club, 1999; 3 (2): 2 – 3.
- Fugazzotto PA. PST: The role of genetic testing for periodontal susceptibility in clinical practice. J Mass Dent Soc, 1999; 48:25 – 7.
- Fugazzotto PA. Maintenance of Regenerated Bone Beneath Pontics: Preliminary clinical report of 43 sites. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl 1999; 14:392-397.
- Fugazzotto PA. Clinically based implant selection. Implant Dentistry 1999, 8:413-420. Fugazzotto PA. Complex simplicity. J Seattle Study Club 1999; 3 (1): 2 – 3.
- Fugazzotto MA. In search of primitive dental archetypes: Notes from the 1997 expedition. J Seattle Study Club, 1999; 4:37-40.
- Fugazzotto PA. Potential energy. J Seattle Study Club 1999;3 (3) : 2-3.
- Fugazzotto PA . Bringing it all back home. J Seattle Study Club 1999; 3 (4):9-11. Rosen S., Summers R., Mellado J, Salkin L, Shanaman R, Marks M,
- Fugazzotto PA. The Bone-Added Osteotome Sinus Floor Elevation Technique: Multicenter Retrospective Report of Consecutively Treated Patients. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl, 1999;14:853-58.
- Fugazzotto P.A., Kirsch A., Ackermann K., Neuendorff G,. Implant/Tooth-Connected Restorations Utilizing Screw-Fixed Attachments: A Survey of 3,096 Sites in Function for 3 to 14 years. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl, 1999;14:819-823.
- Fugazzotto P.A., Immediate Implant Placement and GBR in Humans: A Case Report and Histologic Evaluation, Int J Periodont Restor Dent, 1999;19:457-464.
- Fugazzotto P.A., Maximizing the Therapeutic Results of Guided Tissue Regeneration. Postgraduate Dent, Comp, 1999; 6:3-39.
- Fugazzotto P.A., Criteria for Implant Selection. J Mass Dent Soc 2000; 48:46-7.
- Fugazzotto P.A., The Periodontally Involved Furcation: Clinical Realities and Treatment Options. J Mass Dent Soc. 2000; 49:45-57.
- Fugazzotto PA. Treatment Options for Augmentation of the Posterior Maxilla. Implant Dentistry 2000; 9:281-88.
- Fugazzotto PA. The Captain is Out to Lunch and the Sailors Have Taken Over the Ship. J Seattle Study Club 2000; 4: 2-3.
- Fugazzotto PA, Guided Bone Regeneration: Beyond Immediate Results. J Seattle Study Club 2000; 4:26-35.
- Fugazzotto P A. The role of implant therapy in comprehensive patient care. Commentary and Analysis. Implant Dentistry 2001;10:12-13
- Fugazzotto PA. The Modified Trephine/Osteotome Sinus Augmentation Technique: Technical Considerations and Discussion of Indications. Implant Dent 2001;10:259-264.
- Fugazotto P.A., Guided Bone Regeneration and Sinus Augmentation in the Absence of Autogenous Bone Grafting. Implant Dent 2001;10:158-161.
- Fugazzotto P.A. A comparison of the success of root resected molars and molar position implants in function in a private practice: Results of up to 15-plus years. J Periodont 2001;72:1113-1123.
- Fugazotto P.A. DePaoli S., Sinus Floor Augmentation at the Time of Maxillary Molar Extraction: Success and Failure Rates of 137 Implants in Function for Up to 3 Years. J. Perio 2002;73:39-44.
- Fugazzotto PA. Immediate Implant Placement Following a Modified Trephine / Osteotome Approach: Success Rates of 116 Implants to 4 Years in Function. Int J Oral Maxillofac Impl. 2002;17:113-120.
- Fugazzotto PA. Simplified technique for immediate implant insertion into maxillary first premolar extraction sockets: Report of technique and preliminary results. Implant Dent 2002;11:79-82.
- Fugazzotto, PA. Transforming Treatment with Guided Bone Regeneration Part 1: Managing the Soft Tissue. Impl Real 2002;1:18-20.
- Fugazzotto, PA. Immediate Loading of ITI Implants: A Predictable, Simplfied Approach. Impl Real 2002;2:9-13.
- Fugazzotto, PA. Variations on a Theme. Impl Real 2002;3:4-7
- Fugazzotto PA. Implant Placement in Maxillary First Premolar Fresh Extraction Sockets: Description of Technique and Report of Preliminary Results. J Periodont 2002;6:669-74.
- Fugazzotto PA. Simplified Technique for Immediate Implant Insertion into Extraction Sockets: Report of Technique and Preliminary Results. Implant Dent 2002;11:79-82.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided Bone Regeneration in a Clincial Setting: Part I. Histologic results following use of BioOss and resorbable and non-resorbable membranes. Accepted for publication Int J Perio Rest Dent 2002.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided Bone Regeneration in a Clinical Setting: Part II. Clinical results following use of resorbable and non-resorbable membranes. Accepted for publication, Int J Perio Rest Dent 2002
- Fugazzotto PA. Predictable Restoration of the Atrophic Posterior Maxilla. J Mass Dent Soc 2002 Fall;51:28-35, 53.
- Fugazzotto PA, Transforming Treatment with Guided Bone Regeneration Part 2: Selection of Appropriate Materials. Implant Realities 2003,1;4:23-25.
- Fugazzotto PA. Welcome to Implant Realities. Implant Realities 2003,1;4
- Fugazzotto, PA. Augmentation of the Posterior Maxilla. A proposed hierarchy of Treatment Selection J Periodontol 2003;74:1682-1691.
- Fugazzotto PA. GBR Using Bovind Bone Matrix and Resorbable and Non-resorbable Membranes. Part 1: Histologic Results. Int J Periodont Rest Dent 2003;8:361-9.
- Fugazzotto PA. GBR Using Bovine Bone Matrix and Resorbable and Nonresorbable Membranes. Part 2: Clinical Results. Int J Periodont Rest Dent 2003;23:599-605.
- Fugazzotto, PA. Vlassis, J. A Simplified Classification and Repair System for Sinus Membrane Perforations. J Periodont 2003;10:1534-41.
- Fugazzotto PA, Vlassis J, Butler B. Success and failure rates of 5526 ITI implants in function for up to 73+ months. Accepted for Publication Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg 2003.
- Fugazzotto PA, Beagle JR, Ganeles J, Jaffin R, Vlassis J, Kumar A. The Success and Failure Rate of 9mm or Shorter ITI Implants in the Replacement of Missing Maxillary Molars when Restored with Individual Crowns: Prelimary Results in 0-84 Months in Function. J Periodontol 2004;75:311-316.
- Fugazzotto PA. Guided Bone Regeneration at Immediate Implant Insertion and Loading: A Case Report. Implant Dent 2004;13:223-227.
- Fugazzotto PA. Treatment Options Following Single Rooted Tooth Removal: A Literature Review and Proposed Hierarchy of Treatment Selection. J Periodontol 2005;76:821-831.
- Fugazzotto PA. Implant Placement at the time of Maxillary Molar Extraction: Technique and report of preliminary results of 83 sites. J. Periodontol 2006;77:302-09.
- Fugazzotto PA. Maintenance of Primary Closure Following Guided Bone Regeneration Therapy: Introduction of a new technique and reported preliminary results. Accepted for publication. J. Periodontol 2006
- Fugazzotto PA. Treatment of Mandibular Class II Buccal FurcationsUtilizing a Modified Technique: Report of 5 year results. In Preparation 2006
- Fugazzotto PA. Treatment of Maxillary Class II Buccal FurcationsUtilizing a Modified Technique: Report of 5 year results. In Preparation 2006
- Fugazzotto PA Guided Tissue Regeneration: Maximizing Clinical Results. Compend Cont Dent Educ 1999; 6(Suppl): 1-42. Fugazzotto PA., Jensen OT. In Jensen OT, Editor, The Sinus Graft, Quintessence, 2006, IL Page 67-74
- Fugazzotto P, Malament K. Progressive periodontal therapy. Academy of General Dentistry, 1994.