Single Tooth to Full Arch: Immediate Implant Therapies in the Digital World
Live Surgeries, Interactive Discussions, and Hands-on Lab.
Diagnosis & Treatment Planning
- Intraoral / extraoral examination
- The role of parafunction
- Treatment algorithms for anterior implant placement
- Selecting the appropriate hybrid design - FP1, FP2 or FP3?
- Consultation techniques to ensure acceptance of comprehensive care
Integrating a digital workflow
- Design, printing and insertion of a provisional crown less than 45 minutes after implant placement
- Design, printing and insertion of a full arch provisional prosthesis less than 90 minutes after implant placement
- Which digital workflow works best in each scenario
- When to use an analog approach
Surgical considerations
- Flap designs for ITT in all areas of the mouth
- Transforming your practice using grafts and membranes
- Optimal implant selection
- Immediate molar implant therapies
- Effective internal growth
- 93-94% acceptance of comprehensive care
- The role of the hygienist
- Quality external growth
- The lifetime implant warranty: good for your patient; a boon to your practice
Course Instructors:
Dr. Paul A. Fugazzotto, DDS
Dr. Timothy N. Smith, DMD