About the Fugazzotto Institute
Welcome to the Fugazzoto Institute! Our goal is not to lecture to people. Our goal is to learn together in an interactive and informative manner which is always based in science and ultimately in the applicability to clinical practice. We believe this is best accomplished not by showing a greatest hits “dog and pony show” but discussing when to do things, when not to do things, showing failures and successes. So we can fine-tune our therapeutic decision trees and maximize the treatment outcomes for our patients, and the advantages to our practice.

Our Philosophy
What is meaningful dental education?
It is not simply the mastery of specific techniques. While there is no doubt that all therapies must be based upon scientific understanding and technical execution, it is the placement of these therapies into a framework of comprehensive care that is true education. This is what benefits our patients who trust us. This is what benefits our practices. This is why we studied and became what we are. At the Fugazzotto Institute, all therapeutic considerations are within the envelope of comprehensive patient care. Whether it be intraoral, extraoral, interdisciplinary, and a combination of all of these. Our patients deserve no less and we should expect no less when we seek out meaningful education
Meaningful Education
The Fugazzotto Institute provides a meaningful bespoke educational experience in a friendly, accommodating environment. Our courses combine live surgical observation, lecture material, round table discussion and hands on cadaver exercises and, are unique in dental continuing education. At the Fugazzotto Institute we help ensure that you master the technical aspects of such therapy, and understand the indications and contraindications for various therapeutic approaches, and their roles in comprehensive patient care. Class sizes are severely limited, so as to maximize your educational experience.